Our Story

Tim and Holly

Our History-

In 2019 we decided that we wanted to leave our corporate jobs and start a farm but it couldn’t be just any farm. It was important for us to use animals to sustainably regenerate the land. That means, no tilling, no pesticides, herbicides or man-made fertilizers. We wanted to work with nature the way God intended. We believe nature knows best when it comes to creating nutrient rich beautiful soil that can feed our livestock & vegetables and in-turn feed our family, friends and neighbors. So we are learning to be grass farmers!

In September of 2021, Holly was able to leave the corporate world as we began our search for a farm! Fast forward to March 2022 we closed on a beautiful little place in east Tennessee. No longer a working farm with a very small 3 stall barn, a very old pole barn, pastures full of weeds, run down fencing & a tiny pond desperately needing revived… it was perfect! What better way to begin our journey! We will bring these fields back to lush green pasture by rotating various livestock throughout. Each animal leaving their mark, one behind the other fertilizing and stirring up hidden grass seeds. Some have suggested that the only way to fix our pasture is to spray it and kill everything, then start over with planting new pasture. While that is a method and probably a much faster one, our path is different. By keeping the fields cut low we have already seen a huge growth of beautiful pasture grasses returning. The goal is simple, keep the weeds from seeding, let the animals fertilize the pastures and over time the lush green grasses will “snuff out” the weeds.

Our roster of farm workers are an ever expanding list of chickens, geese, guineas, and sheep. At the moment, we’re only selling the eggs, and we hope you love our them as much as we do!

While we’re not perfect and have a lot to learn about farming, we spend a lot of time with our animals and your support allows us to continue to grow in our effort to leave the world a little nicer than how we found it.

Brent and Patti
Retired and Loving It!!!!

After retiring and selling our farm in Virginia, we moved to East Tennessee to work with Tim and Holly in August of 2023. We feel very blessed to be together, live close to family and spend our days doing what we love. Life really is better on the farm.